
"Beaver Lodge has provided me with outstanding opportunities for community involvement and leadership. The Lodge has helped me to grow and mature as an individual and as a leader as well. I believe the Lodge offers a phenomenal atmosphere of community and brotherhood that is ideal for supporting college men through their years in academia. My time at the Lodge has been an absolutely incredible experience, and I am very happy that I chose to live at the Beaver Lodge during my time at Oregon State."

- Ransom H.

"I'm a Junior here at OSU and I moved into the lodge the beginning of my sophomore year. When I first moved in, I was very unsure about it, the people were very different from my current friends; it was culturally diverse house and the ages of the guys living here were equally diverse, the youngest guy being 18 and the oldest 30. I cannot state it enough, that sticking it out that first week was one of the best decisions I've made. I quickly made friends with the entire house, every relationship unique in its own way. Eventually making friends that I know I will keep for life. One of the best things about the cultural diversity is that I have international friends from all over the globe. So far, I have invitations to visit friends in Germany, France, Oman, and Hawaii, and I would like to visit them all. The family-like atmosphere reminds me a lot of home and made me comfortable calling this place my home, without a lot of commitment asked of me besides just being open to talk to others. I will treasure the years I spent here for the rest of my life."

- Brian R.


"At first I came to Beaver Lodge in a panic looking for a place to live. I didn't know what to expect when I came here, but now that I've been here almost a year and a half, I have to say it's one of the best college experiences I've had. Never had a dull moment, never been unable to study, and never did I not have someone to help me out. It feels like a brotherhood. In high school you have maybe five guys that you actually trust. At the Beaver Lodge I feel like there's twenty."

- Jon R. 


"Living at Beaver Lodge has been great! Its the place you want to move if you want to make friends with good down-to-earth people. Plus its super affordable."

- Matt S.


"Two years ago, I moved to Corvallis from the Bay Area to attend Oregon State University. Luckily, I found the Beaver Lodge through a Craigslist advert and decided to attempt living in a fraternity setting. I was reluctant to move into a house with thirty other men, but I believe it was the best decision I've made. Not only is the house affordable, it offers several opportunities I wouldn't have had access to otherwise. The House coordinates several social events throughout the year, introduced me to several people, and provides a moderately quiet environment to study. The house requires work jobs and several meetings which can become an annoyance, but are essential to the house's operation and also instill responsibility, especially in younger students. I have a few more terms at the Beaver Lodge and I can't wait to see what direction the house takes."

 - Tracy H.

β€œThe best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison.” 

-James Cash Penney